Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Uhh Sean What Happened !

OK when I first Herd this story I reluctant to report it. But it has been confirmed Sean Kingston has been in a Jet ski accident and Currently hospitalized .
"Sean Kingston remains hospitalized in critical condition and hooked up to a ventilator with a tube inserted in his throat after a jet-ski accident in Miami, but his rep tells MTV News, "He is aware of what is going on around him," adding that the singer "is sedated but fully conscious."

What happen that made him lose control? I really don't know , But I really hope he gets better.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

What Do You Think?

SOooooo this is like the 6th or 7th time Kelly Rowland has try to come out of Beyonce's shadow. Many many failed attempts. She's a Beautiful woman, great voice , but for some reason I just don't get that star quality from her. She can't really dance and she's kinda boney lol....... No;  But seriously with this new Song that's climbing the charts, while Beyonce's song is sinking  . I can't get it out my mind. I hear it everywhere I Turn.
Do you think this is it? Is she going to finally be her own star ?