Monday, November 14, 2011

Gift Ideas For Your Other Half

Hey My loyal Viewers , Christmas is coming and I LOVE IT!
And If your like me, you have already started thinking of what to get your winter cuddle buddy here is a few Ideas for your Mr. or Mrs for every budget ......

Ladies First .....

Versace Gift set For Her  $90 at Macy's

"Hello Bombshell" Make-up Kit  $30  Victoria's Secret
Monk Strap Booties $125 Ralph Lauren 

For Him 
Ragged V-neck Sweater $64.99 Ralph Lauren
"Amy " Crystal Bracelet Watch $150 By March Jacob Nordstrom
Ralph "Black" Cologne  $78 Macy's

Hope fully These Ideas can help !

Sunday, October 2, 2011

How To Love

I'm real late on this , but i just checked out the Lil wayne Video and I must say that this is  the best video he has ever made. It had a Message that speaks volumes to me . Growing up in a household where commitment and love between a male in a woman wasn't present . I really still don't know how to love someone the right way. I know I am getting personal on y'all but i'm just stating what people really don't think about before they jump into a relationship.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Uhh Im A Vegan? I Think

Hello friends I think I am going Vegan well I think,I LOVE CHICKEN . I can make it 100 different ways and it makes me happy LoL. Well I was surfing the web and I came across the . Everyone has heard about this organization , but what is it really?

Its a very large organization that fight for animal rights. They want the slaughtering of animals to STOP as well as the Testing On animals. And I do mean ALL Animals from mice to cows!

So all this had me thinking what am I REALLY eating , when I really started looking into "whats on my plate " I was really upset at what I found take a look at the video I found . 

So what do you think ARE You Still Eating Meat NOW?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Are You ready To Be Shocked !!!

It's That time of the year again if you missed it Last Year You don 't want to make that Mistake Twice!
Let's Get IT !!!
Bring Your Baddest Heel
Your Fierce Walk , No Cleveland Strut's Should Apply ! LOL


OK , I usually like to keep my blog upbeat , but this is just some things I can't ignore!

Yesterday, in Jackson, Ga a man by the name of Troy Davis was strapped to a gurney in the death chamber and given lethal injection. What happened to land him in this terrible demise? He was charged for killing police officer Mark McPhail on Aug 19,1989. Before he was injected; his final word were

"I am innocent," Davis said moments before he was executed Wednesday night. "All I can ask ... is that you look deeper into this case so that you really can finally see the truth. I ask my family and friends to continue to fight this fight."
--- From CBS NEWS

This is a case that as been waiting for a end for 22 years, and though Troy Davis is no longer here . I believe that the case is still long from being over .
There is said to be no real evidence of the gun or bullets in his possession .The case against him consisted entirely of witness testimony which contained inconsistencies even at the time of the trial. Since then, all but two of the state's non-police witnesses from the trial have recanted or contradicted their testimony.-amnesty

My Take: This is my issue 22 years is a long time to convince yourself that you didn't do something and long enough for witness to have blurry memories. Im Not saying that he couldn't be innocent or guilty! Everyone is making this a RACE THING , I am a firm believer that racism does exist. BUT I don't think this is one of those things. He might have been in the wrong place at the wrong time but everyone is not looking at it from everyones point of view. 

I will Continue On Next Post where Im going with This!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lets Make-Up

What could I possibly be talking about...... Make-up  Uhh Duh!! Lets Just say I am a Make up head all of sudden and I am going full force into experimentation. What Am I going to try first ? Ummm I know

Smokey Eyes


Monday, July 11, 2011

Shop For Less!

Fall Approaches weather we like it or not ! I love when the seasons change because that gives me another reason to shop ! I went to our Favorite store and found Great Fall buys and silly prices. So be the best dress for any occasion! Check out what I Found

Forever 21

Only $7.99
Vest $12.99

Just $19.95
Hot $14.95

Charlotte Russe

Closet Therapy!

What do you need to spruce your closet up ? Try some of these ideas to make your closet come back alive!

Every runway has some fierce lion-nistas strutting down . Don't be left out the jungle lol try a cute cheetah print cardigan or shirt to go with a black blazer or jean jacket!

Cute Right!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Uhh Sean What Happened !

OK when I first Herd this story I reluctant to report it. But it has been confirmed Sean Kingston has been in a Jet ski accident and Currently hospitalized .
"Sean Kingston remains hospitalized in critical condition and hooked up to a ventilator with a tube inserted in his throat after a jet-ski accident in Miami, but his rep tells MTV News, "He is aware of what is going on around him," adding that the singer "is sedated but fully conscious."

What happen that made him lose control? I really don't know , But I really hope he gets better.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

What Do You Think?

SOooooo this is like the 6th or 7th time Kelly Rowland has try to come out of Beyonce's shadow. Many many failed attempts. She's a Beautiful woman, great voice , but for some reason I just don't get that star quality from her. She can't really dance and she's kinda boney lol....... No;  But seriously with this new Song that's climbing the charts, while Beyonce's song is sinking  . I can't get it out my mind. I hear it everywhere I Turn.
Do you think this is it? Is she going to finally be her own star ?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Uhh Cloud Nin9?

Whats up world ,London Rayn is bringing it all the way official like always! So I'm up one night browsing Facebook and what do I stumble across???? don't worry I'll wait ! lol

CLOUD NIN9, if y'all are not hip to them, y'all must be sleeping . I'm talking raw uncut talent from the most talented city in the planet CLEVELAND! This probably was the second or third time I had came across their music, so I had to know who are these men? Men in every since of the word because these fellas are talking real ish on their mix tapes. (And did I mention that they have done 2 mix tapes and dropped them already this year, What, what!) They not playing , y'all other artist sleeping and they up all day and night working , Cloud Nin9 stand up!

Their music has the ability to evolve and stand the test of time, music with substance is what I like To call It! Loyalty and determination!!

Check it out and download!

Meet You In Th clouds
xoxo---signed with a Kiss

Sunday, March 27, 2011

UHH Duh I Support MGK!

Whats Up y'all London Rayn Checking In, Now everyone knows I Love My Hometown, So It Would be crazy for me Not To Love Cleveland's Own MGK ( Machine Gun Kelly), RIGHT?! Lol Every Since he stepped on The scene I knew He was a Growing force In Cleveland. Check Out The day That changed His Life.
MGK signed To  BadBoy Records is this Official?
*****Is This a good look we all know How Diddy's Track record is with artist. Cheri Dennis , Loon, 112, and Dream where are They now? He is a Great Business Man and Marketing Genius , but can he market anybody besides his self well?

I know what we Need To Do support MGK as soon as his CD Drop Make Them chart Numbers Go Stupid!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Omg Cleveland Stand Up!

What's Happening My Loves? Have some Fire For y'all. Living in Cleveland we are a city with MAD talent but we are Constantly over looked. We are the one stop city in every sense of the Phrase.
We have the Baddest Models
The Most Talented Rappers and Singers
Comedians, Actors, Actress, Fashion Designers , Photographers , Make-up Artist  ,Hair Stylist, Trainers !!!!
Cleveland Stand up ,  I can't stress this enough SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT!
That Is ALL!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Uhh Look at Me duh Now

What is up World! Now everyone who knows me knows I have a Huge Celeb Crush On Chris Brown! and Guess what the smash hit I can't get enough of has a Video Finally and when I say Its Mad Crazy , I mean Just That ..... Idk i think the only thing that could make it better is ... Eminem maybe on the remix!!!!

******* Check It Out Loves 
              ******* Xoxo 

Uhh Trendy Baby!

So you want to know what the upcoming trend is ? I know you do

Yes, the Vintage Pin-up Girl Look Is in right Now !

How to get this look with a Twist

****Liquid Eyeliner
       Bright Lips  any color will work
       a lot of curls
       tight top , high waisted pants button up can
     all be used  for this look.

Great celeb Inspirations

Katy Perry

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Look Back At It

When You Look in the mirror what do you see
I mean what do you really see
take away your ego 
take away your swag 
who is the person staring back at you 
is it the lie you told to make someone feel better
or the guilt of sleeping with your brothers girl
when your swag fades to lame 
and your nicki becomes the thing of the past 
will your inner match?
Or are you just as fake as your outer facade 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Uhh Lets Talk

Hey Ladies and Gents, London here once again and I have something that we just have to talk about ,   ( Drum roll) ...............Marriage

Back before I could remember you would--- Get married at a young age have more kids then you did fingers ,you tended to the house and your man. But Some where THINGS CHANGED!!!
Where did this change occur why did It happen?

Men aren't trying to put rings on fingers , take care of their children or the house hold. This is strange to me that we have fallen so far from these customs it's scary. The average family in 2011 consist of a mother leading the house hold.I believe this occurrence has thrown off the whole balance of things. WE as woman don't know how to submit to our men any more in our eyes it's  some what considered unorthodox! Could it be that we don't have the example of a functioning healthy relationship , therefore nothing to model ourselves after. So instead of through thick in thin , its hit the roll jack as soon as a obstacle is presented.

Does this mean Marriage could never be a option , No not in the least bit , woman need to trust again as well as learned not to "think" we have to struggle just because a baby is born. Men need to step it up , and actually become the roll they play not so good!

This was just something on my mind, Don't forget to to comment below

--xoxo ---signed with a Kiss

Monday, January 31, 2011

Checkout Whats Coming

Watch thi sTrailer From Vh1's New Soon to be Hit Tv Series .... This Sounds Like its going to be truly Interesting !

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Life On The Rocks

My heart is pounding
can't figure out wich way to turn
which way is up
so many things expected of me
can't eat this
look to fat in that
wanting this for me is a fact
no support
eyes watching to see a fail
my drive won't stop
lids never close
money , money, stability
long nights, early  mornings
 microscope is constantly watching
NO I can't Fail
Eat calamari because they do
fake to make it
fight to get in
Fightt to stay apart
Who am I
help remind me
This is what I chose Life on the Rocks !

By London Rayn